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FIRTH Sir Charles harding a:an charles|k:0040 (4)



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    Author: FIRTH (Sir Charles Harding)


    FIRTH (Sir Charles Harding), The Life of Thomas Harrison, major—genera]. in the army of the Coamonwealth of England and one of the judges of King Charles I...From Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Sooiet. April 26, 893. (Appencix.) pp. 77. 8°. Worcestei, Mass. printed, 1893.

    Card ID: 193

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    Author: FIRTH (sir Charles Harding)


    3(4 FIRTH (Sir Charles Harding). Bee DAVIES (Godfrey). Charles Harding Firth, 1857-1936. [Signed: G.Davies.] From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Volwme XXII. London, [1937).

    Card ID: 206

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    Author: FIRTH (Sir Charles harding)


    ‘3 FIRTH (Sir Charles harding). See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions,. Societies, etc.] Cwndon Society. [ublications.J Nevi Series. 49,54,61,62. The Clarke papers... Eitea. by C. H. irth. London, 1891-1901.

    Card ID: 210

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    Author: FIRTH (Sir Charles Harding)


    FIRTH (Sir Charles Harding) and RALEIGH (Sir Walter Ixarider). Oxford historios]. and 1iterarr studies. 10. AT0N (Herbert). The Yorkshire woollen and worsted industries. [Vith a bibliography.) Oxford, 1920. HEATON (Her)3ert).

    Card ID: 220