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FIREBRACE John an (john) (5)
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Author: FIREBRACE (John)
Pcteu Library 42 FIREBRACE (John). A Further defence of the present scheme of petitioning the Parliament for relief in the matter of subscription, occasioned by a pamphlet ca1le. Remarks upon certain proposals for an application to Parliament, &c. By the author of a Letter to James Ibbetson, D.D. [i.e. John Firebrace]. London, [1771]. ENGLA1D. Parliament. Append±x.]
Card ID: 108
Author: FIRERACE (John)
Portes Library 49 FIRERACE (John). - The Plea of the petitioners stated and vindicated froni the misrepresentations.,.in a late charge.,.by Dr. Balguy, .. [By J. Firebrace.] London, 117721. BALGtJY (Thomas), Archdeacon oVjçhester. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Arch-deaconry of Winchester in the year 1772, .
Card ID: 109
Author: No Author available
Porteu3 Library 42 DEFENCE. A urther defence of the present scheme of petitioning the Parliament for relief in the matter of subscription, occasioned by a pamphlet called Remarks upon certain proposa1 for an application to Parliament, &c. ]3 the author of a Letter to James Ibbetson, D.D. i.e. John Firebrace]. London, [1771]. ENGLAND. Parliamer. Appendix.)
Card ID: 33
-, £ortec. Lirary 42 ENGLAND. Parliament. [Appendix.] A Further defence of the present scheme of petitioning the Parliament for relief in the matter of’ subscription, occasioned by a pamphlet called Remarks upon certain proposals for an application to Parliament, &c. By the author of a Letter to James Ibbetson, D.D. [i.e. John Firebrace]. pp. 40. 8°. London, [1771].
Card ID: 369
£oteus Tibrary49 PLEA. The Plea of the petitioners stated.and vindicated from the misrepresentations in a late Dr. Balguy, . [By John Firebrace. J Lond, [1772]. See BALGUY (Thomas), Archdeçon of Winchest. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Arch-deaconry of Winchester in the year 1772, etc.
Card ID: 280