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FERGUSON Faith Crawford (2)
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FERGUSON, Faith Crawford
L, Mabel Lexton and FERGUSON, Faith Crawford
Author: FERGUSON (Faith Crawford)
(, L FERGUSON (Faith Crawford). JERICAN. PHYSIOLOGICAD SOCIETY. Physiological reviews. Supplement(s). 2. Physiology of the circulation of the brain: an annotated bibliography Part .11. Report literature, 1938—1952. By M.L.Nall and P.C. Ferguson. [Washington], 1.956.
Card ID: 261
Author: L (Mabel Lexton) and FERGUSON (Faith Crawford)
t NPI,L (Mabel Lexton) and FERGUSON (Faith Crawford). PhrBioloy of the circulation of the brain: an amiotated bibliography. Part II. Report literature, 1938-1952. By M.L.Nall and F.O.Feruson. (Washinon], 1956. ALERIcAN PHY8IOtOGICAL SOC3ETY. Physiological reviews. Suppleent[sJ, 2.
Card ID: 46