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FER John a:it john|k:to (john) (8)
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FER, John
FER, John itchard and IL, Arthur John
FER, Bern]iard
SNELL, John Leslie
No Author available
Author: FER (John)
ODA3 Shi SEuiTflFER (John). A Nerrative oT the Briton’s voyage to Pitcairn’ s Is1and inc14ing an interesting sketch of the present state of the Brazils and of Spanish South America. . . Illimtrated with... etchings by the author...Third. edition. pp. vii. + 180. 8°. London, 1818.
Card ID: 422
Author: FER (John itchard) and IL (Arthur John)
L33t 1 She SJEA?FER (John itchard) and IL (Arthur John). The Water resource in northeastern funds: plannin8 its use • Prepared by J.R. Sheal’fer, project director and A,J. zeizel, etc. (Northeastern Illinois 1tropo1itan. AreaPIannIn Cotrirniss ion • chnica 1 Report., I. ) pp • 12 )3ibl., plates, arid nEps. Chicago, 1966.
Card ID: 453
Author: FER (Bern]iard)
FER (Bern]iard). Schweizer ang1istishe Arbeiten, [Conttnued.] & c CDi.’-€’-- ‘.ñfrt -,.L1 45. BLELJLER (Werner). Das heróische Drama John Dryd€r als Experiment dekorativer Formkunst. 1957. ‘Qi5 Li6. CHARLESTON (Britta M.) Studies on the emotional and affective means of expression in modern English. 1960. £j7. WTJLFAN, successively Bishop of Worcester ‘1t and. Archbishop of York. Die’Institutes of9 polity, civil and. ecc1esiasbica1”..Heraus— gegeben von K.Jost 1959. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 90
Author: BRRNGWYN (John)
DEPOSITQj BRRNGWYN (John), tseud. [i.e. Charlotte TELLER afterwards HIRSCH]. Reasons fer France. pp. 341. P1ats. 0 8. Londor, 1959.
Card ID: 341
Author: FERNIE (John)
folio 53 UDY3dy Fer FERNIE (John). North Sea oil — a reviewe (Huddersfield Polytechnic. Department of Geography and Geology-Occasional Paper, 4) pp. 17. Bjbl. and maps. Hudderafield, 1976. Xerographic facsimile.
Card ID: 121
Author: SNELL (John Leslie)
SNELL (John Leslie). Fer See PERKINS (Dexter). The Education of historians in the United States. [By] D. Perkins: Chairman, J.L. Snell: Director, etc. New York, 1962.
Card ID: 383
Author: FERGUSSON (Aani)
Fer FERGUSSON (Aani). The Sack of Bath: a record and an indictment... %ith a foreword by Lord Goodman and some introd zctozy rhyr!Ies by Sir John Betjenan. With photographs by Snowdon, . L, Green -Ar’wj-tage, David Wood and others. pp.77. Ilius. and endper snaps. SalIsbury, 1973.
Card ID: 369
Author: No Author available
LEICES’fER. University c1 Leicester. Victorian Studies Centre. Victorian studies handlistLa]. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.J 1. HADDl (John Lionel). Victorian periodicaJ.s Leiceeter. 1969. L- ‘‘-l. 2. SCOTT (Patrick G.) An Index to Charlee Hindley’s ‘Curiosities of Street Literature’. 1970. CCL.7 c’ 3. BROWN (Simon), Author of ‘Ebenezer El1iott, Ebenezer Elliott: the Corn Law rhymer. A - bibliography & list of letters. Compiled by S. Brown. 1971. 1&J NkXT CARD.]
Card ID: 46