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FENNER William a:are william|k:it (william) (4)
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FENNER, William
FENNOR, William
ELYOT, Sir Thomas
PEPPEN, Robert D
Author: FENNER (William)
E FENNER (William), LJ2• The Spirituali man’s directory, guiding a Chris— tiri in the path that leads to true blessed— nesse, . [With an address to the reader by J.Geree] pp. (6) + 143. 8°. London, 1649. and 57, 11nd 111_rejpmbered resDeetivey 5 jjj 110. Bound_jth Fenner: Wi1fuilicy.,e.
Card ID: 70
Author: FENNOR (William)
Card ID: 81
Author: ELYOT (Sir Thomas)
JA 4’ Pep ELYOT (Sir Thomas). See PEPPER (Robert D.) Four Tudor books on education: Sir Thomas Elyot, tr., The education or br1ning up of children (translated out of Plutarche), 1533; Francis Clement, The petie schole, with an English orthographie, 1587; Dudley Fenner, The artes of logike and rethorike, 158ii William Kenipe, The education of children in leanilng, 1588. Facsimile reproductions iith an introduction by P .D.Pepper. 60. Gahiesvifle,
Card ID: 464
Author: PEPPEN (Robert D)
JA Pep PEPPEN (Robert D) Four Tudor books on education: Sir Thon.s Elyot, tr., The educatIon or bringing up of children (translated out of Plutarche), 1533; Francis Clement, The petie schole, vith an English orthographic, 1587; Diiley Fenner, The artee of 3.ogike and rethortke, 15814.; WillIam Kempe, The education of children in learning, 1588. Facsimile reproductions with an introduction by R.D.Pepper. (Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints.) pp. xxx • ÷ 21i0. flJ.strations. 66. Gainesville, Fla.,196f5.
Card ID: 373