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FELL, John
Author: FELL (John)
FELL (John), Bishop of Oxford. The Life of...Henry Haaiuond. See LIBR.Y OF ANGLQ-CHOLIC JHEOLOGY. HAMMOND (H.), D.D. The Miscellaneous theological works of H. Haimiond..,Third edit1ion, et.c. 1 • pp. xvii . —exv. Oxford, 1847—50.
Card ID: 340
‘“12 FELL (John), qp_oxt. The Privileges of the University of Oxford, in point of visitation: cleerly evidenced by letter to an honourabie personage. [By J.Feil.j Together with the Universities answer to the summons of the visitors. [Lpndon], 1647. See OXFORD. University of Oxor. [Appendix.)
Card ID: 341
• Csj6 s :- cr FELL (John), Bishop of Oxford. A Specimen of the several sorts of letter - given to theUiilversity by Dr. John Fell, Oxford, 1693. The first English type specimen book, reproduced in facsiiile... With an introduction, census and handlist. pp. 16 + (56). 0 8 . London, 1928. No. 25 of 250 copies printed.
Card ID: 342
FELL (John), BishQjof Oxford. .AThENAGORAS. [Works.—Greek and Latin.) Thu ‘i &yLOtC 7C(TpOCJI.LWV AO7)VyOpOV •‘A(vc*tou LXOaOqOu wLovt [sic]. S.patris Athenagor...opera, ad MSS. fideni recognita. [The Latin translation by C.Gesner. Edited by J.Fell.j xfc, 1682.
Card ID: 344
?oteua Library 50 FELL (John), Inderident Minister, of Cockermouth, Genuine Protestantism; or, the Inalienable rights of conscience defended, etc. pp. 64. 8. London, 1R73.
Card ID: 345