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FARTHING John to (john) (5)
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Author: FARTHING (John)
Car1nhorthatd fr /o LoJ cly FARTHING (John). LOVE (Christopher). The Whole triall of l’ir. Christopher Love before a pretended High Court of Justice in Westminster—Hall...dith the relation of his suffering and his speech and pruyer at his de8th...Pubiished by J.Fartbing...who took the short—writing, . London, 1660.
Card ID: 344
Author: No Author available
(Ki) $ (44 p&tzj Frt fl41Ak:S. 4.4’j. - PRIESTLEY (John Boynton). WALPOLE Hugh s.) and PRIESTLEY (J.B.). Farthing Hall. London, 1929.
Card ID: 434
(%). N WALPOLE (Sir Hugh Seymour) and PRIESTLEY (John Boynton). Farthing Hall. pp. (6) + 275. 0 8 . London, 1929. • Unother copy.) STERLiGL1BRiRY EFEF2!CE ONLY S.L.C., 11.566.
Card ID: 437
R. 35 iiy FARTHING (John). Short—writing shotned [sic]: or, the Art of short— writing reduced to a method more speedy, plain, exact and ea3ie than hath been heretofore published, etc. pp. (2) + 19 engraved pages ÷ pp.(6). Tables. 80. For T.Parkhurst: London, 1684. The last 6 pages of letterpress are numbered 33—38. Shorthand characters in the lettepress are engraved on wood. Imperft; wanting 4 pas of letterpress after the titlepagç containing, ‘To the reader’ signed by ten divines and ‘To the reader’ by the author.
Card ID: 342
ar]ton Shorthand [c.s.c.) 1651i. [Bnouhs.] cnfl’ FARTHING (John). See BURROUGHS (Jeremiah), Puritan Divine. Coa . The Saints treasury. . .beirig sundry sermons preached in London. [Edited by J.Nalton and others. Taken down in shorthand by J.Farthing.] L10• T.C. for J.Wright: London, 1654 [Another edition.] L°. p:c. for J.Wright: London, 1656.
Card ID: 343