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FARMER Henry George a:on george henry|k:0468 (1)



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    Author: FARMER (Henry George)


    [) &L FARMER (Henry George). Collection of oriental writers on music. Edited by H..Fariner. 1. An Old Moorish lute tutor: being four Arabic texts from unique manuscripts in the Biblio— teca Nacional, Uadrid4.No. 334, and the Staatsbibliothek, Berlin Lbg. 516>. Edited, with translations, commentary and an appendix, by H.G.Fanner. pp. (12) + 40 + (16). Facsimile, illustrations and tables. fdl’. Glasgow, 1933. Edjtion liLultedto 225 copiesof which this is no.137.

    Card ID: 581