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FANSHAWE Anne a:r charles|k:in (charles) (1)



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    Author: FANSHAWE (Anne)


    ELIOTph’EUp5 LJ FANSHAWE (Anne), Lr. Memoirs of Lads Fanshawe, wife of the Right Hon. Sir Richard Fanshawe, Bart., ambassador from Charles the Second to the court of Madrid in 1665. Written by herself. ?o which are added, extracts from the correspondence of Sir R. Fanshawe. LEdited, with an introductor memoir, by Sir N. H. Nic91as, snd a dédicatiôn:by C..R. Fanshawe.] pp. lxiii + 395. Portrait. 8 . London, 1829. tWtJ -New edition. pp. vii. + 332. Portrait. {S.R.J 8°. London, 13O.

    Card ID: 310