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FAIRBANK Alfred John a:john john|k:to (john) (2)
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FAIRBANK, Alfred John
Author: FAIRBANK (Alfred John)
PaOTrapLy RGOLU FAIRBANK (Alfred John) Looking at letterc and words. [Offprint from) (Classical, medineval and Renaissance studies in honor of Berthold Louis U11nan. Vol. 2.) pp. 255—257. 8°. [Rone, 1964). Cata1ocued fron the caption.
Card ID: 329
CC25 [Fairbank] eom FAIRBANK (Alfred John). (Appendix.] Calligraphy and palaeography: essays presented to Alfred Fairbank on his 70th birthday. iited by A.S.Osley. pp. xxiii. + 266. Bibliography, portrait, plates, illustrations and facsimiles. 8°. [london], 1965.
Card ID: 331