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EY Edward Henry a:ey edward|k:0837 (3)
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EY, Edward Henry
EY, Edward Henry Smith
EY, Henry Edward John
Author: EY (Edward Henry)
DPOS1TORY BLAKE?EY (Edward Henry). The Passing of Elijah: a poem. 8°. [ privately printed, 1918?). Unpaginated.
Card ID: 506
Author: EY (Edward Henry Smith)
,IpO5fQ’ STANlEY (Edward Henry Smith), 15th Eerl of Derby. Seeohes and addreaeee of Ed.wez8. Fienry, XVth Earl of Derby, i.G. Selected and edited by 3ir P,H.Sanderson.,,and 1,.S,Rosooe. With a prefatory memoir by .E.H.Leoky, and a portrait, 2 vols. 8°. J.ondon & New York, 1894.
Card ID: 284
Author: EY (Henry Edward John)
LL( Ot4Jf ALV STANlEY (Henry Edward John), 3rd Baron Stanley of Alderley. See AL’tARES (Francisco). The Prester John of the Indies: a true relation of the lands of the Prester John, being the narrative of the Portu— guese Embassy’ to Ethiopia in 1520... The translation o± Lord Stanley of Alderley revised and edited with ad84tional material by C.F. Beckinghatll and G.W.B. Huntingford. (‘mbride, 1961.
Card ID: 303