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EY Edward (10)



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    Author: EY (Edward)


    ‘t•2 ‘ SMDiEY (Edward), Fellovb_okjney usx CoUeg Cmbrig. Poems by Edward Smedley. With a selectIon from his correspondence and a memoir of his life. pp.xx. ÷ 457. Pçtxit. 8°. 1837.

    Card ID: 145

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    Author: EY (Edward)


    STANI1EY (Edward) 3rd Er1 of Derby. See MANCHESTER. Chetham Society. Remains, j. 29, The Stanley papers. (Part 2. The Derby household books comprising an account of the household regulations and expenses of Edward and Henry, third and fourth Earls of Derby, . ) [}iianchester), 1&53

    Card ID: 271

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    Author: EY (Edward Henry)


    DPOS1TORY BLAKE?EY (Edward Henry). The Passing of Elijah: a poem. 8°. [ privately printed, 1918?). Unpaginated.

    Card ID: 506

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    Author: EY (Edward Potts)


    CEEYrEY (Edward Potts). Early Reformation period in England. Edited by E. P. Cheyney. Philadelphia, [18941. See PHILADELPHIA. Universityf Pennsylvania. çpartment of History. Translations and reprints from the original sourcesof European history. Vol. 1, i.

    Card ID: 342

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    Author: EY (Edward Neal)


    War HARTI1EY (Edward Neal). Ironworks on the Saugus: the lynn and Braintree ventures ottheCompany of Undertakers of the Ironworks ix New England. [with a bibliographical note.) pp. xvi. + 328. Plates. 8°. Norman, Old., 1957.

    Card ID: 411

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    Author: EY (Edward Bouverie)


    e PUsEY (Edward Bouverie). Patience and confidence the strength of the Church, etc. Appendices to the sermon preached...on the fifth of November, 1837, containing I. An explanation of points mistaken by the author of “Passive obedience contrary to Holy Scripture”. II. Remarks on the Revolution of i688, and the principles involved or not involved in its condemnation, in answer to an article of the Edinburgh Review. III. The Oxford decree of 1683. pp. 94. 1S.R1 80. Oxford and London, 1d38. [sEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 204

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    Author: EY (Edward Henry Smith)


    ,IpO5fQ’ STANlEY (Edward Henry Smith), 15th Eerl of Derby. Seeohes and addreaeee of Ed.wez8. Fienry, XVth Earl of Derby, i.G. Selected and edited by 3ir P,H.Sanderson.,,and 1,.S,Rosooe. With a prefatory memoir by .E.H.Leoky, and a portrait, 2 vols. 8°. J.ondon & New York, 1894.

    Card ID: 284

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    Author: EY (Henry Edward John)


    LL( Ot4Jf ALV STANlEY (Henry Edward John), 3rd Baron Stanley of Alderley. See AL’tARES (Francisco). The Prester John of the Indies: a true relation of the lands of the Prester John, being the narrative of the Portu— guese Embassy’ to Ethiopia in 1520... The translation o± Lord Stanley of Alderley revised and edited with ad84tional material by C.F. Beckinghatll and G.W.B. Huntingford. (‘mbride, 1961.

    Card ID: 303

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    Author: EY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith)


    STAhiEY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith), 14th arl of erby. See CAMPBELl. (John), Baron Campbell. [Letter to the iight IJon.Lord Stanley.. .on the Law of Church Rates.) The Law of church rates: a letter to the flight Hon.Lord Stanley, etc. London, 137.

    Card ID: 277

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    Author: EY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith)


    STLNI1EY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith) 14th Earl of Der15. See HOtER. [Iliad.— English]. The 11ied of loner, rendered into English blank verse by Edward, Earl of Derby, etc. London, 1865.

    Card ID: 279