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EX Henry de ex (henry de) (5)
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EX, Henry de
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Author: EX (Henry de)
IL1WdEX (Henry De). WMLRY-WOODYEAR (Henry da).
Card ID: 160
Author: BRIGGS (Henry)
BRIGGS (Henry) - De oreaticne & affeotionibus 1ogaritIinorim exoerpt8. ex ari.t1rnetioa logarithmioa Henrici Brigil. pp. (2) + 66 + 1 blanlc leaf. 8°. Dub1in, 1790.
Card ID: 395
rm :‘ s 1 BRIGGS (Henry) Mathernaticim. J / ArithmeLica logarithmioa sive logaritbrnorv.m Chiliades triginta, pro numeris riaturali serie cresceritibus ab ‘nitate ad 20,000: et a 90,000 ad 100,000.. .hos nvmeros prims inveniL.. 1. Nepervs, Baro Merchistonij: eoa autern ex eiusdem sententia mutavit.., eorurnque ortum et. vsurn illust.ravit Henricvs Briggivs, etc. :- pp.(8.) + 88 + (300). Diagrams. [De Li;] fol. 0. Jones: London, 1624. [Another copy.] [L.1.i Lt’-r.J -‘-c .-i/ [Another copy.] Wanting the leaf of errata.
Card ID: 390
Author: No Author available
.‘ Henry, of Saitrey. Tractatus de purgatorio sancti Patricii ex historia Hibernie. Lwith a Frehch translation.) See PATRICK, Saint, post1e of Ielaid [Saint - ?atriàk’ s ‘Purgatory.) Etude sur Xe purgatoire de Saint Patrice, accompagn4e du texte latin d’Uttecht [of Henry of Saltrey, with a French translatiox) et dii texte anglo—normand de Cambridge. [Thesis: University of Amsterdam. By) (C.N. van der Zanden.. - Amsterdam, 1927.
Card ID: 192
tbz. tvJ ‘• ‘• r \ SAVILE (j Henry). d— “7 Rerum Anglicaruin scriptores post Bedain praecipui, ex vetustissiwis codicibus manuscriptis nun.c prinium in lucein editi [by Sir H.Savile]...Adiecta ad finezn chronologia. if. (2) + 520 + (30). Illustration. [De M.] fol. Excudebant G.BShOPL R.Nuberie, & R.Barker: LondQ 1596. Ralph Thoresby1s copy. [SEE NF1XT CARD.]
Card ID: 306