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EWING, James
EWING, Sir James Alfred
EWING, kit James Alfred
EWING, James Cameron
Author: EWING (James)
D?OS1TO EWING (James) Pro’essorofatiioio.i at Cornell Univeri ty. Neoplastic diseases: a treatiserruri-... Fourth edition revised and eniared. With,,, illustrations Land a bibiiographyj. pp. xii.+ 1160. 8°. Phi 1phia and London, 1942.
Card ID: 541
Author: EWING (Sir James Alfred)
DEPOSITOR’! EWING (Sir James Alfred). Magnetic induction in iron and. other metals. pp. xviii. + 31. Illustrations. diagrams ang tables. 8°. London, 1892.
Card ID: 542
OEPOTORy EWING (Sir James Alfred). The Steam engine and other heat engines. . . Fourth ‘edition, revised and enlarged. pp. vi. + 862. graxzis and folded plates. 8°. Oaarig, 1926.
Card ID: 543
Author: EWING (kit James Alfred)
bEPos,TORY EWING (kit James Alfred). g HOPKINSON (Bertram). The Scientific papers of Bertram iopkinson, coilected and arranged, [with a memoir), by Sir J.A.Ev:ing and Sir J.Larmor. Cambi4gg, 1921.
Card ID: 546
Author: EWING (James Cameron)
fYL B95J 965 EWING (James Cameron). See BURNS (Robert), the Poet. (Miaceilaneous.) Robert Burns’s corrinonpiace book, 1783—1785. Reproduced in facsimile from the poet a8 manuscript, vith transcript and the original introduction and notes of J .C.Ewing and D.Cook. This edition introduced by D.Daiches. fol. [London), 1965.
Card ID: 547