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EVELYN John a:cecil evelyn|k:cecil (evelyn) (37)



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    Author: EVELYN (John)


    EVELYN (John), F. R. S. , The Mjscel1aneou writings of John Evelyn. Now first collected, with’ occasional notes, by W.Upcott. pp.. xxvi. + 849. Plates and facsimiles. 4. London, 1825.

    Card ID: 252

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    Author: EVELYN (John)


    EVELYN (John), F.R.3. A Devotionarie book of John Evelyn of ‘1otton, 1620—1706. Now fir5t published with an introduction by V. Frere. pp. viii. + 65. Facsimile. 0 B . London, 1936. No. 13L of an edition limited to 250 oopies for sale.

    Card ID: 255

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    Author: EVELYN (John)


    EVELYN (John), F.R.S.. [Diary.] Memoirs, etc. [Continued.] The portraits of Evelyn and, his wife, the frontispieces to vols I and. 2 respectiveiy, have been transposed. S.L.C., I.34. — rtqp I 04L1 Second edition. 2 vols. Portraits, plabes and folded table. 4. London, 1819. [SEE NEXT CARD.2

    Card ID: 257

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    Author: EVELYN (John)


    STERLING LIBRARY a- 3 FEFERENCE ONLY EVELYN (John), .R..s. [Diary.] Memoirs, [tinuedj —A new (third) edition. 5 vols. Portraits and ylates. 8°. London, 1827. ereet wanting te Eye1n fam1i ec’e from vol, 1. Extr—i1]jtratod by the insertio Lenv portraits and D1ates the oriiai illustrations being redistributed i th orocess [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 258

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    Author: EVELYN (John)


    b—LLcJ (VI v-aJ EVELYN (John), F,R,S. [Diary.J Memoirs, etc. {Continuedj A new eclition.[lSy John Forster]. (Diary and correspondence of John Evelyn, 4 vols. Portraits, 1ate ad folded table. [D.—L1L.] 8°. London, 1854. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 259

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    Author: EVELYN (John)


    M\JP EVELYN (John), F.R.S. [Diary.] The Diary of John Evelyn. Edited from the original MSS. by W.Bray...With a biographical introduction by the editor, and a special introduction by R.Garnett. (Memoirs and Secret Chronicles of the Couxtsof Europe.) 2 vols. Portraits arid plates. U New York and London, 1901.

    Card ID: 260

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    Author: EVELYN (John)


    e,3 rcP (Y’1JJ EVELYN (John), F.R.8. [Diary.) The Diary of John Evelyn. Now first printed in full from the manuscripts...and edited by Beer. IWith bibliographies.) 6 vols. Portraits and ±aQsimiZLes and foldeckmap arid lai. 0 8. Oxford, 1955. With thc editorts siature on age of_vo]..1.

    Card ID: 261

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    Author: EVELYN (John)


    EVELYN (John), F.R.S. [Diary. — Selections.] The Early lifG and education of John Evelyn 1620—1641 (With a commentary by H.M.Smith.) (ord aistoriçl and Literary Studied, ii.) pp. xx. + 182. So. Oxford, 1920.

    Card ID: 262

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    Author: EVELYN (John)


    EVELYN (John), F.R.S. Fi.imifuium; (or, the Inconvenience of the aer, and smoake of London dissipated)... 1661. Now reissued [in facsimile, from the edition of 1772), etc. (Q1d kshmo1en Reprints, VIII.) pp. Z3 + viii. + 49. 0 8 . Oxford, 1930.

    Card ID: 264

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    Author: EVELYN (John)


    L9e GoD EVELYN (John), F.R.S. The Life of Margaret Godoiphin. tA revised reissue of Bishop Wilberforce’s edition of 1847.] (The Kinpts Classics.) pp. ocix. ÷ 169. Portrait. 8°. London, 1904.

    Card ID: 267

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    Author: EVELYN (John)


    EVELYN (John), F.R.S. Memoirs, i1].ustratve of the life and wi’iting of John Evelyn, etc. See supra: [Diary.]

    Card ID: 271

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    Author: EVELYN (John)


    PO- ) EVELYN (John) F.R.S. Scuiptura; or, the History and art of ohalcocrap1y and enhraving in copper. With an ample enumeration of the ust rerowned ma.sters and their works. Towioh is annexed a new mamer of enravirig, o’ mezzotinto, ooim.mioated Prince Rupert... Second edition, oontainin some corrections and additions. . .anc! memoirs of the author’s life. (An account of Signor G. Favi by Monsieur Sorb ire.) pp. xxxvi. + 14Q. iates 3O• )755• Impec ranting a portrait of tie

    Card ID: 274