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EVANS John a:e or|k:on (e) (34)



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    Author: EVANS (John)


    LRL EVANS (John), D.D., Dissenting Mirister. A Lett,er to Mr. Cumrning, concerning the regard which ought to be had to Script,ure—consequerces. pp. 24. t1.-L. L.) 8°. London, 1719. Bound in a voiuim ietrtd: Tracts, Triniy,.

    Card ID: 25

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    Author: EVANS (John)


    EVANS (John), , Dissenting Minister. A Sermon [on Psalm xxi.3] preach’d May the 19th, 1706, on occasion of the surprising victory obtain’d at Ramelly in Brabant, May 12, by the forces under the comniand of His Grace the Duke of Marlborough. pp. 16. 8°. London, [1706]. Bound in a volume lettered: Sermons. Vol.2.

    Card ID: 26

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    Author: EVANS (John)


    EVANS (John)., U. Islinton,he Eider. A Sketch of the denominations of the Christian world; accompanied with a persuasive to religious moderation. To which is prefixed an account of At,heism, Deisni Theophilanthropism, Judaism, Mhometanism and Christianity... Eleventh editioi...’with a. chronological table or the leading events of hiatcry, from the. b±rth of Christ down to the present tiine. pp. viii. + 276. Portraits. 8. E,ondc 1SOB.

    Card ID: 30

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    Author: EVANS (John)


    YL 067C 8oU EVANS (John), LL.D., of Islington, the Elder. See GOLD&aTh (Oliver), the Poet. [Smaller Collections. - iii. Verse.] The Poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith with a sketch of the author’s life; including original anecdotes communicated by J.Evans, etc. 8°. [London], l8O4.

    Card ID: 33

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    Author: EVANS (John)


    (AvqN EVANS (John), Printer, of Bristol. A Chronological outline of the history of Bristol, and the st,ranger* s guide through its streets and neighbourhood. pp. xxxiv. + 376. Illustratiois anc. folded 4an. 0 8 • London and Bristol, 1824.

    Card ID: 44

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    Author: EVANS (â Arthur John)


    EVANS (â Arthur John). The British lake—village near Glastonbury; letters and J. Evans,etc.. Taunton, 190L1.. See GLASTONbUkY. Glus tonbury Anti cpirian Society. LPUblicatiOflS.]

    Card ID: 191

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    Author: EVANS (S Arthur John)


    - EVANS (S Arthur John). Essal de classification des 4poques de la civilisation ininoenne: r4surn d’un discours faitau Congrs d’Archo1ogie a Athènes... &litibn revisc. pp. 11 + (1). 8°. London, 1906.

    Card ID: 194

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    Author: EVANS (Sir Arthur John)


    Rel’erence only EVANS (Sir Arthur John). Knossos fresco atlas. (Catalogue of plates in Sir Arthur Evans’ Knossos fresco atlas. By M.Cameron & Sinclair Hood.) (19) plates. V f 01. Farnborough, l{antsj, 1967.

    Card ID: 195

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    Author: EVANS (Sir Arthur John)


    5 EVANS (Sir Arthur John). The iLycenaean tree and pillar cult and. its Mediterranean relations, with illustrations from recent Cretan finds...Yiith a coloured plate and...flgures in the text. pp. xii. + (2) + io6. 8°. London and New York, 1901.

    Card ID: 196

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    Author: EVANS ( Arthur John)


    EVANS ( Arthur John). The Pictographic and linear scripts of !!in6an Crete and. their relations. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institut. ions, Societies, etc.) British Aoad.emyfor the Promotion of Historical, Philosophical and Philological Studies. Proceeings...l903-l904. pp. 13?- 139. London, [1905].

    Card ID: 199

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    Author: EVANS (Sj Arthur John)


    LPC EVANS (Sj Arthur John). The Prehistoric tombs of Knossos. I. The Cemetery of Zafer Papoura. II. The Royal tomb of Isopata. . .With. . .plates and.. .figures in the text. From Archaeologla. Vol. 59. pp. iv, + 172. 40 Lon, 1906.

    Card ID: 200

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    Author: EVANS (Sir Arthur John)


    - EVANS (Sir Arthur John). Scripta Minoa: the written documents of Minoan Crete, with special reference to the archives of Knossos. 2 vols. Plates. il1ustratio and tables. 4 xfoid, 1909-52. 1. The Hieroglyphic and primitive linear classes, with an account of the discovery of the prePhoeriician scripts, their place in Minoan story and their Mediterranean relations, 2. The Archives of Knossbs: clay tablets in— scribed in linear script B. Edited from notes, and supplemented by J.L. Myres.

    Card ID: 201