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EVANS Ernest a:e |k:e (or) (7)
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EVANS, Ernest
STARLING, Ernest Henry and EVANS, Sir Charles Arthur Lovatt
Author: EVANS (Ernest)
P NL’/ EVANS (Ernest). A Reason for the faith offered to the young men and women of England. .With a preface by the Lord Bishop of Oxford, etc. [With a short bibliography.] pp. xi. ÷ 162. 5. London, 1930. With an autograph letter from the author to G.KA. Bell, Bisbop of Chichester, inserted.
Card ID: 328
i4I q53 EVANS (Ernest). See AUGUSTINE, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.[&iehiridion.— English.] Enchiridion; or, Manual to Laurentius concerning faith, hope and charity. Translated from the Benedictine text, with an introduction and notes, by E.Evans. London, 1953.
Card ID: 329
EVANS (Ernest) TERTULLI.ANU$ (Quintus . F.) lAdversus Praxean. Q. beptimii Florentis Tetu11iani Adversus Praxean liber..Tne text edited, with an introduction, transiion and commentary by E. Evans. ondQn, 1948.
Card ID: 330
EVANS (Ernest). See TERTUI,LIANUS (Quintus S.F.) [De Came Christi.— Latin and English.) Q. Septimii. Florentis Tertullian.i De Carrie Christi liber. Tertullian’s treatise on the Incarnation. The text-edited with an introduction, translation and commentary by E.Evans. London, 1956.
Card ID: 331
EVANS (Ernest). - See TE1ULLIANUS (Quintus S. F.) [De Oratione..— Latin and English.] Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani de oratone liber. Tertullian’s tract on the prayer: the Latin text with critical notes, an English translation, an introduction, and explanatory observations by E.Evans. London, 1953.
Card ID: 332
N J L T3/ ‘J EVANS (Ernest). See TERTULLIANUS (Quintus Septiinj Florens). (De Resurrectione Carnis.—Latin and English). Q. Septinili Plorentis Tertulliani De resurrectione earnis liber. Tertullian’s Treatise on the resurrection. The text edited with an introduction, translation and commentary by E.Evans. London, 1960.
Card ID: 333
Author: STARLING (Ernest Henry) and EVANS (Sir Charles Arthur Lovatt)
DEPOSITORY STARLING (Ernest Henry) and EVANS (Sir Charles Arthur Lovatt). Starling’s Principles of human physiology. Fifth editIon, edited and revised by C.L.Evans...Tho chapters caaptcrs on the central nervous system and sonso organs r.visod by H. Rr.rtrdgo, etc. pp. 1039. 8°. London, 1930. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 669