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EUSTACE Robert a:on robert|k:an (robert) (5)
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MAXWELL, ionrHerbert Eustace
No Author available
BTJRNET, Gilbert
Author: EUSTACE (Robert)
I EUSTACE (Robert), pseud. [i.e. E.RAWLINS.] The Bidden treasures of Egypt: a romance. Compiled and adapted from the records of R.Eustace. pp. -xxxii. + 352. 8°. London, 1925.
Card ID: 81
Author: MAXWELL ( ionrHerbert Eustace)
rTO J MAXWELL ( ionrHerbert Eustace), BatL. Robert the Bruoe and the struggle for Scottish independence. (Heroeso tbe Nt.ions.) pp. xvii. + 387. Porpits & plates. O New Yck& Lonon t!897.]
Card ID: 341
Author: No Author available
f ‘iO BACON SOCIETY BEi!RNa C)4LY BOYLE (Hon. Robert). See BUDGELL (Eustace). Memoirs 01’ the lives and characters of the illustrious family of the l3oyles ...With an appendix, containing the character of the Honourable Robert Boyle...By Bishop Burnet, and others. Likewise his last will and testament. The third edition, carefully corrected. Lond, 1737.
Card ID: 346
Author: BTJRNET (Gilbert)
I3ACON SOCIETY RIPl1ClI ONLY BTJRNET (Gilbert), Bishop of Salisbury. [Works edited, translated or with contributions by Burnet.1 BUDGELL (Eustace). Meujoirs ofthe lives and characters of the illustrious family of the Boyles ...With an appendix, containing the character of the Honoui’able Robert Boyle...By Bishop Burnet, and others..1 The third edition, carefully corrected. ndon, 1737.
Card ID: 50
t3ICOê S0ClE1Y RkFs.SNC@ Ou..Y BUDGELL (Eustace). Memoirs of the life and character of the late Earl of Orrery,. etc. [Continued.) (The third edition, carefully ccrrectèd.) Memoirs of the lives and cb.raoters of the illustrious family of the Boyles, particularly, of the late eminently learned Charles Earl of Orrery...With an appendix, containing:the character of the Honourable Robert Boyle...By Bishop Burnet, and others. Likewise his last will and testament, etc. 2 parts in 1 vol. ortrait. 8°. London, 1737.
Card ID: 156