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ETTEN Hendrick van a:pp jean|k:pp (jean) (4)
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ETTEN, Hendrick van
Author: ETTEN (Hendrick van)
- ETTEN (Hendrick van), pseud. [i.e. Jean LEURECHON]. Rcration mathématique, composée de plusieurs problèuies plaisans et faeetieux...Quatriesme édition, auginentée...avec la correction d’un grand nombre de fautes & erreurs...par D.FT. P.LM..[i.e. D. Henrion, philosophe et mathe— maticien, or by C. Cyriaque de Mangin. The dedication is signed H. Van Ettenj. pp. (16) ÷ 238 [or rather, 242) + 2). TablL woodcut diagrns. [De M.J 8°. Paris, 1627. The pagination is jga. De Morgan translates the editor’s initials as aboe but Quérardives’DenisHenrion, Professeur en Mathmatigues’. A MS. letter from J.B. Inglis to De Morgan concer g the work is bound at the beginnixg. [se next card.)
Card ID: 186
E L° [3 ETTEN (Hendrick van), pseud., [i.e Jean LEURECHON]. Rcr4ation mathmatique, etc. [Contin.) Mathematical], recreations; o a Collection of sundrie problemes extracted out of the ancient and nioderne philosophers...Most of which were written first in Greeke and Latine, lately compiled in French by H. van Etten... and now delivered in the English tongue, with the examinations, corrections and augmenta— tions [by W. Oughtred]. pp. (40) + 264. Tables and engraved diagrams. [De M.] 8°. London, 1633. a second1 engraved, title—page. The pagjha— tion is irregular [See next card.]
Card ID: 188
ETTEN (Hendrick van), pseud. [i.e. Jean LEURECHONJ. Rcr6ation mathematique, . [Continued.] Mathematicall recreations, I.Contirxued.] With’.a second engraved titlepage. Oughtred’s ‘Generall...horologicall ring. etc’ has a seoarate titlepage, dated 1652; it is not aginated. The vagination is irregular. The diagrams to oroblems 16 and 32 of the ‘Mathematicall recreations’ are cancels. correcte enravin±s being oasted on to the page. Leaf Ai (following the titlepage) is cut away, the stub being left; possib1 this contained the corrected diagrams. tAnother coDy. J I.P.t,. 1 I.rry Prc L:.ry zi__. ..o-o! Fo Oi1y
Card ID: 190
c:c ;‘ ETTEN (Hendrick van), pseud. [i.e. Jean LEUEECHON.] [Rcration niathtuatique. — Appendix.) See MALL (Trevor u.) Matheniaticali recreation. [by Merry Van Etten): an exerciae in seventeenth—century bibliography. Leeds, 1969.
Card ID: 191