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ET John a:c !ct|k:c(’c) (6)
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ET, John
ET, Sir John
ET, John Ir
P, John, Fellow o Ben’et College
Author: ET (John)
a4;1 -c-sL\ BUIiliET (John), Professor of Greek in the Aristotle, - t,onci, (1925]. See LONDON. (iii, Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] British Academy, etc. Annual Lecture on a Master Mind. Henriette Hertz Trust of the British Academy, 1924.
Card ID: 64
ET (John). [Appendix1) ee WIZUitJi (A. C.) Swinburn’s Hyperion and other poeIa. [‘ditedJ viith an essay on vinburne and :eats by G. Lafoircade. London, [1927.]
Card ID: 590
SILLE’ET (John). A New practical system of fork and apede husbandry ..A new and improved edition. pp. iv. + 4 Illustrations. [G. G. 8°. London, l82.
Card ID: 245
Author: ET (Sir John)
GILB)ET (Sir John). See SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.] The Works of William Shakeepeare... Edited by H.Staunton. With illustrations by Sit J.Gilbert. Iondon ad New York, 1881.
Card ID: 100
Author: ET (John Ir1)
GUBEEI1ET (John Ir1). Notes on some Onchoooty1in £roLn Naples wit,h a description of a new species. [Naples, 1932. See SEAflLE (WASHINGTON). University of Washington. University of Washingtonppublications in oceanography. Supplementary Series. No.9.
Card ID: 256
Author: P (John), Fellow o Ben’et College)
cc Cow CcY,iP (John), Fellow o Ben’et College) CambridEe. see cwp (Wifliam), the Poet. [AdeJ.phi.] Adeiphi: a sketch of the character, and sn account of the last illness, of the 1at Rev, John Cowper. . .Written by his brother, the late William Cowper, Esq....Faithfali,y transcribed fran his original manuscript by John Newton, etc. 120 London, 18”2.
Card ID: 341