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ET Augustin a:price harry|k:is (harry) (2)
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ET, Augustin
Author: ET (Augustin)
Ic, CAL1ET (Augustin). Calinet’s dictionary of the Holy Bible, withthe Biblical fragments by...C. Taylor. Illustrated with numerous maps and other engravings. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. 5 vols. Portrait. 40• Lonaon, 185o.
Card ID: 548
Harry Price Lirrr For fle!rencc Only I—L i CAUlET (Augustin). [Disserttiogsur lsftrtIofls P1w Phantom world; or, the Philosophy of spirits, apparitions, &o. . .Edited, [translated, and] with an introduction and notes by H.Ohristmas. 2 vole. 1.2°. London, 1850.
Card ID: 550