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ES William David a:an william|k:it (william) (3)



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    Author: ES (William David)


    PL3 Day DVtES (William David). [Appendix.] Jews, Greeks end Cbriztians: re1igios cultures in late antiquity. Essays liz honor of William David Davies.,. Edited by Robert Eamertoa-Kelly and Robin Scroggs. [With a bibliography of tbe works o WD. Davies,] (StuFies -in J1aism in Late Antiquity, 21,) pp o • Port. Leyden, 2976.

    Card ID: 317

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    Author: No Author available


    STUDIES X1- BIBUCAL THEDLOGY. Studies in biblical theology. Second series. [Continued.] 26. McKAY (John William). flel±gion in Judah under the Assyrians, 732-609 RC. 1973. $ Xci( 2?. HERRMANN (Siegfried). Israel in gypt. 1973. - 29. MATES (Andrew David Hastings). Israel in the period of the Judges. 1974. tç 1Li 50. SPRI4(David George). Two Old Testament theologies, ec’.. 31. CARLEY (Keith William). Ezekiel amoWt h e Es. a study of Ezekje1’ place in prophetic tradition. 1975.

    Card ID: 286

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    Author: BLAKE (WjJ,liam)


    f YM ES 973 * Restricted ben BLAKE (WjJ,liam), Artist. [Sin8le Works.] The Notebook of William Blake: a photographic and typographic facsimile. Edited by David V.Erdrnan, with the assistance of Donald IC. 2bore. pp. (36o). Oxford, 1973.

    Card ID: 373