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ES Sir Henry es (sir henry) (9)



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    Author: ES (Sir Henry)


    J&dES (Sir Henry), Director—General of the Ordnance — Survey. See ENGLaND. Departments of State and Official Bodies. Ordnance Survey. Comparisons of the standards of J.ength of Britain, France, Belgium, Prussia, Russia, India, Australia, made at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, by A. It Clarke, under the direction of Sir Ft. James, etc. London, 1866.

    Card ID: 253

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    Author: ES (Sir Ronald Henry Airiherst)


    TY DUN Sto STOflES (Sir Ronald Henry Airiherst), K.C .M.G. Dunlop In wr nd peace.. .With a preface by Sir J. George Beharrell. pp. xii, 114.7. Plates. London, [1914.6).

    Card ID: 273

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    Author: YULE (Aniy Franc’es)


    m cSr tl( YULE (Aniy Franc’es). A Memoir of Henry Yule by his daughter, A.F.Yule. Lwith a list of his writings.) See POLO (Marco). LEnglish.] The Book of Ser Marco Polo...Translated and. H.Yule. Third edition, H.’ Cordier, etc. Vol.1, pp. xxvii-lxxxii. London, 1903EfQ8)TOR’ —LA reprint.) A Memoir of Colonel Sir Henry ule with a bibliography of his writings. Reprinted ...for private circulation. pp.0÷) + 56. 8° London, 1903.

    Card ID: 387

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    Author: GILBERT (Sir Joseph Henry)


    1: GILBERT (Sir Joseph Henry). See ROTHAMSTED. ].es Aricu1tural Trust. — TPb11oations. J The Róthainsted Memoirs on &rioultura1 oheniistiy and pbysiolor. By Sir J. B. ]Awos and Sir J. H. Gilbert. ndo 1893—1E399. —Rothamsted Memoirs...from the ‘Phi].o— sophical Transactions’. By Sir J. B. Lawes and Sir J. H. Gilbert. London, 1893.

    Card ID: 118

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    Author: BUTTBURY (Sir Henry Edward)


    DEPOSflORi1 BUTTBURY (Sir Henry Edward), Bart. Narrativ-es of some passages in the great war with France from 1799 to 1810. pp. xxiv. + Lj.71. ) {G.G.1 8°. London 185L. [Another copy.] [L.I.] - —(Another edition.1 With an introduction by the Hon.Sir J. Fortecue. pp. xxiv. + 24. 1aps. [S.R.) 80. Loni, 1927.

    Card ID: 203

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    Author: HOVJAD (Henry)


    HOVJAD (Henry), Earl of _Srrey. LONLON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions,Societies, etc.j Roxburheq. [Publications.] 1. Certain bokes of Virgi].es Aenaeis, turned into English meter by the iht Honor.thle Lorde, Henry Earle of urrey. [A reprint of’ the euition of 1557. Edited by Sir IV. Bolind.J ___ cj., 1814 [liil5J.

    Card ID: 468

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    Author: SAYC (Archibald Henry)


    IJA SAYC (Archibald Henry). See KkSPERO (Sir Gaston), EHistoire ancienne des Peep].es de l’Orient classique. — Fnglish.] History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria... Edited by A.H. Sayce. Translated by M.L. McClure, 8°. London, E3-903J.

    Card ID: 607

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    Author: CORIEY (Bolton)


    CORIEY (Bolton). LONDON. [III. Miecellaneouz Institutions Societies, eto.] Hakluyt Sooiety. CPublieations.i Fiisb Seri,es. - 19. The Voyage of Sir Henry Middleton to Bantam and the Maluco Islands,,, Annotated and edited by B. Corney, London, 1855.

    Card ID: 245

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    Author: JOACHILUS (Geor’ius)


    2, JOACHILUS (Geor’ius), rthticus. Theravrv inthem&tivs, etc. [Cc,ntirueci.J ol. sumt ibus J.Po-: Frarkfiirt, 11 [or rther 1613]. The date on the_eneratitejae, ar:don t!t of ::: m - -‘orreetlv orinted 1f;-1z on the UtIea.:es of the last two Darts. This cv for’aer1” be1onre tote on. Henry Cavcndish, anti at the oni are irserte t’o autorah iJ_?roi._T. HenderontoT. C a1.owayr one from Sir C. B. Ai.ry to A.pMorg- r-ierence to it histoy. A notb JLo.! sa “This_volume js of the extrernest rarity, and iort wo centuries all. know “‘ was lost”.

    Card ID: 317