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ES, John Allen
ES, John Wesley
WRIGHT, John Calvia and ALLEN, Charles hicketson
Author: ES (John Allen)
M’1I1ik GII,ES (John Allen). History of the Ancient Britons, from the earliest, period to the invasion of the Saxons. Compiled from the oriina1 authorities. (Vol. 2. Appendix of original doouraents.) 2 vols. tL. LI 8°. London 184?.
Card ID: 369
7t GThES (John Allen). - See BEDE, the_Vcnerale. Saint. [Works. — Latin and EnglhJ The Complete works of Venerable Bede, in the origiral Latin, collated with the nanuscripts an various printed editions,-accOmpanied by anew English translation of the historical works, and aiife of the author, by J.A.Gile. London, 1 843—44.
Card ID: 373
Author: ES (John Wesley)
ci HAiES (John Wesley). See SECCOMBE (T.) and ALLEN (J. .) •The Age o Shakespeare, 179—163t...With an introduction by Professor Hales. Lond 1903. ———Fifth edition, revised. (Cct] London, 1911.
Card ID: 228
Author: WRIGHT (John Calvia) and ALLEN (Charles hicketson)
DEPOsrroy WRIGHT (John Calvia) and ALLEN (Charles hicketson). Efficiency in education: a study of the applications of the principles of efficiency to educational adiainistration, supervIsion, and iethods of teaching. pp. v. + 405. Diagranis and tab),.es. 8°. New Yorl and ondon, 1929.
Card ID: 287