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ES Donald a:p will|k:p (will) (2)
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ES, Donald
Author: ES (Donald)
14 P I_ C_ 1+44i UOi4ES (Donald), pseu& [i.e. Donald Ho2ine ALSDORF.] The l4agic art, etc. 8°. (Kana8s City], l9O.
Card ID: 92
KLYH Mac MacIN?ES (Donald). Folk and hero tnle. Collected, edited and translated by D.Maolnnes. With notes by the editor arid A.Nutt, etc. (iaifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition. Argylishire Series, 2.) pp. xix. + 497. Portrait. 8°. London, 1890. [Another issue.] L4 tMcC 8° Nendeln 196?. See LONDON. [III.) Folk—Lore Society. Publications, 25.
Card ID: 231