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ES David a:es david |k:it (david) (7)
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ES, David
ES, William David
ES, David Caradog
ES, David Gilyard
Author: ES (David)
cs Da DAIClES (David). Scotch whisky: its past and present... With colour photo— graphs by Alan Daiches. (Third revised impression.) pp. 170. Plates, ilus. and endpaper map. London, 1978.
Card ID: 160
Author: ES (David )
KNOWL1ES (David ). C.W.Previt4—Orton, 1877—i97. From the Proceediriga of the British Academy, Vol. XXXIII. pp. 12. Portrait. 0 8 . London, [i97].
Card ID: 367
K1O1ES (David). Lord Macaulay, 1800—1859. [A lecture given at Cambridge on 30 Wovember 1959.] pp. 30. 8°. Cambridge, 1960. ‘1
Card ID: 374
Author: ES (William David)
PL3 Day DVtES (William David). [Appendix.] Jews, Greeks end Cbriztians: re1igios cultures in late antiquity. Essays liz honor of William David Davies.,. Edited by Robert Eamertoa-Kelly and Robin Scroggs. [With a bibliography of tbe works o WD. Davies,] (StuFies -in J1aism in Late Antiquity, 21,) pp o • Port. Leyden, 2976.
Card ID: 317
Author: ES (David Caradog)
JOiES (David Caradog). A First course in statistics. (Second edition, revised, reprinted.) (pe1is iiatHemUca1 Series.) pp. vii. + 298. Charts and tab1e. 8°. Londq, 1950.
Card ID: 354
1)POflQy JOiES (David Caradog). Spiritual healing: an objective study oi’ a ucrennial grace...Foreord by C.1.Raven and a doctor’s comient by J.B.Iae. pp. xv. + 11414. 0 8. London, 1955.
Card ID: 360
Author: ES (David Gilyard)
folio 53 TBHez Sym SitiES (David Gilyard). The Population resources of the Gaeltaeht: ar. analysis of the employment potential. . Co. Donegal. A memorandun to the Board of Gaeltarra Eireanri. (University o Hull. Departnient of Geography. Misceilaneous Series, .) 22 leaves. Plates. flull, 1965.
Card ID: 28