
Search Term (count):

ERSKINE John a:on sir john-|k:an (sir john) (2)



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    Author: ERSKINE (John)


    ERSKINE (John), Mar. The Earl ot Mar’s Legaoies to Scotland and to his son. . .1722—1727. Edited. • .with a biographical introduction arid notes, by the Hon Stuart Erslcine. . EDINBURGH. Sóottith History Sooietr. fPublioatiózas.J 26. Diary of Sir Arobibald Johnston, g.. pp. 139—247. Ecjinburh. 1898.

    Card ID: 53

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    Author: HILL (Sir Leonard Erskine) and ELLMAN (Philip)


    - DEPOSiTORY HILL (Sir Leonard Erskine) and ELLMAN (Philip). The Rheumatic diseases: a course of lectures arranged by the Medical Staff of the St. John Clinic and Institute of PIysica1 Medicine. Edited by Sir L. Hill and P. Elimari. With a foreword by Sir A. MacNalty. pp. xii. ÷ 270. Plates, diagns and tables. 0 8 . London, 1938.

    Card ID: 500