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ER Samuel and EMERY Henry Cirosby a:c j henry|k:c (henry) (1)



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    Author: ER (Samuel) and EMERY (Henry Cirosby)


    DEPOSITORY UNTERIIffER (Samuel) And Emery (Henry Cirosby), Speou1atiGn on the Stock Exchanges And pub1to regulation of the Exohanges. Papers read before the meeting of the Amerioan Eoonoznic Asooiaton at Princeton, New Jersey, December 28—31, 1914. Papers by S. Unteryer And H. C. Emery. Dieoussion by A. W. Alwood, W. E. Lagerquist, A. R. Marsh J. H. Underwood, W. C. Van Antwerp And W. Z. Ripley. (Reprinted from the Proceedings of the twenty—sixth annual ueeting of the American Economic Association). pp. 23—112. 60 (Princeton, 1914.

    Card ID: 38