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ER Philip a:is philip|k:0331 (4)
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ER, Philip
ER, Philip Theodore
ER, Philip Paul
Author: ER (Philip)
AC CQQyy 1SsIzER (Philip). The Dramatic works of Massinger and Ford. With an introductionby Hartley Coleridge. A new edition. 2 parts in 1 vol. Porit. .80. Londofl and New York, ¶859. With a second ntaved tltleoage.
Card ID: 542
((Vl!7 [i aASSaNcER (Philip). Massinger’s A New way to pay old debts. ‘iith introduction and notes by K.Deighton. (Bell’s English Classics.) pp. xi. + 13+. 0 8. Lpnc1Oriand New York, 1893.
Card ID: 570
Author: ER (Philip Theodore)
folio 53 1MW Whe WHEElER (Philip Theodore). The Faroe Islands: fieldwork in 2975 dth background information, [By) P.T. Wheeler end members of the Geographical Field Group. (Geographical Field Group. Regional Studies, 21-.) pp.ciii, 2T1. flius., maps end tables. Nottingham, 2978.
Card ID: 420
Author: ER (Philip Paul)
WIE2’ER (Philip Paul). NICOD (Jean Georges Pierre); Foundations o gotnetry & induction.. Contdning G€ometry in the sensibJe world ind The 1og1al prôhl.em of induction, (Trans1ate’ by P.P. Weiiier.) London, 1950.
Card ID: 582