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ER Peter a:i peter|k:is (peter) (4)
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ER, Peter
ER, RUdiger and PFAFF, Peter
ER, Peter Rttchie
AR, Peter Frigyes and LE[ER, Ivo John
Author: ER (Peter)
‘• ME!ER (Peter), Writer on Art. i 3 The Irish miniatures in the Abbey Library of St. Gall, See DUFT (Johannes). The Irish miniatures in the Abbey Library of St. Gall. pp. 87—150. Olten, 1954.
Card ID: 310
Author: ER (RUdiger) and PFAFF (Peter)
aLt BITT?ER (RUdiger) and PFAFF (Peter) Das sthetische IJrteil: itrge zui’ sprach.. anaiytiscthen Asthetik. (r various authors.] Rerausgegeben von RUdiger Btttner und ter Pfaff. (ue Wissensàhattliche Bibliotbek, 89. Literaturwissenschaft.) pp. 299. Cologre, 1977.
Card ID: 484
Author: ER (Peter Rttchie)
DPO5ITORY CAL1)ER (Peter Rttchie), arn Ritchie-Calder. dealth of a nation. LondOfl, 1946. LONDON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, bureau of Affairs. Current affairs. No. 3.
Card ID: 112
Author: AR (Peter Frigyes) and LE[ER (Ivo John)
&AR (Peter Frigyes) and LE[ER (Ivo John). Nationalism in Eustern Europe. [By various authors.] Fdited by P.F. Su8ar and I. J. lederer. (Far Eastern and Russian Institute Publication ri Eusia.,wd. ,a3ter .EurQpe, 1.) pp..46. Seattle end London, 1969. •HP ZrCTZ i TYU! ir ‘4 Any rJci i o tttL Inc Lstr.Xr.
Card ID: 249