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ER Leslie a:as leslie|k:0870 (3)
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ER, Leslie
ER, John Leslie
Author: ER (Leslie)
t1FdF3 Gar QMDThER (Leslie). South to Ca.labria. ,. 284. Plates and folded map. Ed1rburgh axd London, 1968.
Card ID: 408
• cPsI•oy’ J VIC1ER (Leslie), Fare structures in the transit industry. [With a bibliograDhy.] Submitted... for the degree of Doctor of hilosophy ...Coiumbia University. pp. xiii. + 325. Tablosand charts. 80. New York, 1934.
Card ID: 378
Author: ER (John Leslie)
PAIfER (John Leslie). Rudyard Kipling. [Wjth a bib1iogrpby.) Wribers of the Day,) pp. 17. 8°. London, 1915. ( Yo
Card ID: 253