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ER Joseph John to (john) (3)



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    Author: ER (Joseph John)


    DEPOSTOR/ SPENGtER (Joseph John). France faces aepopulation. [With a bibliography.) pp. xj. + 313. Tables, 8°. fYurhain, .1938. See al8o New Catalogue.

    Card ID: 77

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    Author: PRISLEY (Joseph)


    ib PRISLEY (Joseph), LL.D. J PAUER (John), Minister of a DissetijgCongregation in New Broad Street. An Appendix to the “Obsorvu.tions in defence of the liberty of man, as a moral acent’; in answer to Dr. Pz’iestley’s Ulustrations of philosophical necessity’, occasioned by the Dr.’s lett,er to the author. 1780.

    Card ID: 490

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    Author: No Author available


    StUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE. Studies in English literature. Genera], editor: David Daiches. Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors. Qr coPcirca c,4-fl*tczae I • BROADBENT (John B.) Milton: Comus and Samson Agonistes. 1961. er OflPw)?,C c4mLp&q( 2. CUNNINGHAM (Joseph S.) Pope: The Rape of the lock. 1961. $& (mQUlZhZ ,qsflf’dUt 3. BRPJ>13R00K (Frank w.) Jane Austen: Emma. (Reprinted.) 1970. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 322