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END John a:on john|k:0799 (5)
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END, John
DN, John Jans end BACM, John
NT, Francis end FLE’IVHER, John
HAWORTH, John Trevor end VEAL, Anthcriy James
DRINKWAR, John end ROTUFSEIN, efterwarda RIJTHERST(, Albert Daniel
Author: END (John)
B1END (John). See EDINBURGH. Scottish Text Society. tPub1ioaons0] 47, 51. LTIUS (Titus), Patatinu. [ngish.] jy’s history of Rome. The first five books translated into Scots by J. Bellenden, 1533. Ec.ited.,.by W, A. Craiie. Einhur and London 1901—03,
Card ID: 360
Author: DN (John Jans) end BACM (John)
f GIaa Aud AUDThDN (John Jans) end BACM (John). (The Viviparous Quadnrpeds of North Axrica.] The Imperial collection of Audubon anlnals: the quadruped of north America. Origina]. text by J • J .Audubon. and the Rev .J • Bac±mann, Edited and with now text by V.H.Cahalane. Foreword by F. Osborn. fliustrated by J.J.Audubon and J.W. Audubon. pp. xvi, 307. Bibliography. fol. [Feltham], 1968.
Card ID: 533
Author: NT (Francis) end FLE’IVHER (John)
Dra BEAU)’)NT (Francis) end FLE’IVHER (John), Drsmatist, rme 1Id’s Tragedy. - Appendix. 1 e DRAKE (George). George Drake: Annotated bibliography for a life of Algernon Percy, 10th Ferl of Northumberland; Timothy Fuller: On Ilobbes and [the] idea of cultivating the self; Robert D. hJiney: Concepts of English foreign policy, 1689-1697; Mark Stavig: Spectacle, satire and seriousness in Bea’innont and Fletcher’ s ‘The ma’s tragedy’. Colorado Springs, 1975. -
Card ID: 278
Author: HAWORTH (John Trevor) end VEAL (Anthcriy James)
tqj Lei HAWORTH (John Trevor) end VEAL (Anthcriy James). Leisure end the ccamunity: conferce proc eedinecs. Papers fran a conferaice held by the Leisure Studies Association at Bizminghn University on ...lOth and...llth Decnber, 1976. Edited by J.T. Haworth d A.J. V1. Binnin,ham, [1976]. See ENGLAND. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Leisure Studies Associ atic.
Card ID: 391
Author: DRINKWAR (John) end ROTUFSEIN, efterwarda RIJTHERST( (Albert Daniel)
f VLeU FRA Drj Reference only DRINKWAR (John) end ROTUFSEIN, efterwarda RIJTHERST( (Albert Daniel). Claud Lovat Praser, . with representative emp1es of his work rep±”oduced In collotype and line, pp. 37. Plates. London, 1923. No. 7 of en edition of Z50 copies, ninbered and signed by the authors.
Card ID: 191