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EN, Williani
VINCENT, Williani
Author: EN (Williani)
B[OMHEAD L19RfRY REFERENCE ONLY CA1flEN (Williani), the Antiguar.. [Britannia. - English.. Camden’s Britamia. Newly translated into English, with large additions and improvements. Publish’d by E.Gibson, e. pp. (34) + cols. cxcvi + pp. (44). ?ortrait illustrations and maps. f’ol London, 1695. he first edition oL BishoGibon’s tRpslation. -- V. ‘V•’
Card ID: 495
Author: VINCENT (Williani)
WA VINCENT (Williani) en of Westminster. ENOWNE (Thomas Guntér). Hermes unmasited.. .With an answer to Dr. Vincents hypothesis of the Greek verb, c. Lond.n, 1795-96.
Card ID: 285