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EN George a:as john|k:to (john) (8)
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EN, George
JOHN, Charles Williern George
JESSE, John Heneage
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Author: EN (George)
Malcolm Morley Collection 0 G’tEN (George). y old wonan A farcical conedy in three acts. f 1884.] DICKS (John). Dicks’ Standard Plays, 581.
Card ID: 180
Author: JOHN (Charles Williern George)
)So9 - SoJO SAINT-JOHN (Charles Williern George). A Tour in Sutherlandshire...with en appendix on the fauna of Sutherland by J.A. Harvie-Brown ...end T.. Buckley. Second edition. 2 vols. Edinburgh, l88L.
Card ID: 212
Author: LUTGARD (John)
MUA •‘ LUTGARD (John), 2i&. Un A History of Englatd. from the first invasion by the Romans C to 1688)...Third edition. 14 vole. La.G.J 0 8 . London, 1825—31. The sixth edition, revised and...en]srged. [With a memoir of the author by M.A.Tiernoy.) 10 vole. Portrait and plates. 8°. London, 1854—55. (Vol.XI.) To the aoceseion of King George the Fifth. By..J.Belloo, etc. pp. nyu. + 729. Portrait. 8 • London and New York, 1915.
Card ID: 505
Author: JESSE (John Heneage)
9 (‘Pjj - JESSE (John Heneage). [Ceorge Se1.yn nd his Contemporaries.— en.] See STUART (L Louisa). - Notes by Lady Louisa Stuart on “George Selwyn and his conteiporaries” by John Heneage Jesse. Vi.S.Lewis. New Xork_ancl London, 1928.
Card ID: 143
Author: No Author available
‘[Cq.. 1 - Hudson J YILLIA1. (cayndvr). See LONDON. [III.) Hudson’s Bay Record Society. [Publications.] 29. London correspondenoe inward from Sir George Simpson, 151l_ij2• Edited by Glyndwr Williams. With en introduction by John S. Gaibraith. London, 1973.
Card ID: 166
Yl. çP.c.3) DRYD’I (John). [Appendix.] PATRICK (John Max). The Editor as critic and the critic as editor. Papers read at a Clark Library Seminar, November 13, 1971, by J. Max Patrick and Alan Roper. With en introduction by Murray Krieger. (Critical problems in editing George Herbert’s ‘The Temple’, [By] J. Max Patrick. A Critic’s apology for editing Dryden’s ‘The History of the League’. [By] Alan Roper.) Los Angeles, 1973.
Card ID: 259
COLECCION TAHESIS. Cc,lecci6n Tâiiesis. Serie li. ionograuias. LContinued.i 36. WAIACER (Roger Michael). Tradition and technique in ‘El Libro del Cavallero Zifar’. 1974. 37. LIDA DE MALKIEL (Maria iosa). Dido en la literatura XP espao1a: su retrato y derensa. 1974. 38. CU1MINS (John George). El liabla de Coria y su cercanias. 1974. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 344
LEEDS. thiiwrity of LeecJ. [?.ontaue Burt.on Lcctrc on Int€rot ional Rd ation3 .1 M’b(P.C .0.) 26. MITCHELL (John D.vid Baviden). Euoe: the po1itic Qf pig in the idd1e. 1970. 1 30. GOOLiI (Geoffrey Lawrence). European unity; j (PC ) a return to rea1ites? 1972. 31. STEVS (Sir Roger Bentham). Middle East oil in Lt(P. international relations. 1973. 32. STEE’I?EN (Paul Patrick). The Limits of dcvelopmentt€(a’.Lz.) studies. 1975. 55. HEATH (t.Hon. dward Richard George). A British approach to European foreign nolicv. 1976.
Card ID: 124