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ELY Humphrey a:e |k:e (or) (1)
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ELY, Humphrey
Author: ELY (Humphrey)
ELY (Humphrey). Certaine briefe notes vpon a brief e apologie lby ii.Parsonsj set out vncler the name of the priestes vnited to the archpriest. irawne by an unpassionate secular prieste friend to bothe partyes...Wherurito is added a seueraJ.l answeare vnto the particu.larites obiected against certaine persons by C.Bagshaw, C.Paget, ete], fT. 10 1- (6) + pp. 312 + 43 + fl. 19 + 23,ID.—L.L.] rO - ‘ 1 0 . P.Syestre: [1oO3.
Card ID: 428