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ELLWOOD Thomas a:old thomas|k:old (thomas) (4)



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    Author: ELLWOOD (Thomas)


    3EPOiCLV ELLWOOD (Thomas), of the Socety of Friends. The History of Thomas 1lwood written by himeif. with an introduction by H. Morley. Second edition. (Morley sUniversal Library.) • pp. 287. 8°. London and ew York, i886. — [Another edition.] Edited by C. G. Crump. pp. xlviii. + 225. 60. London, 1900. • b

    Card ID: 543

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    Author: ELLWOOD (Thomas)


    pUFLI ELL ELLWOOD (Thomas) ,of the Society of Friends. The History of the life of Thomas Eilwood. written by his own hand, with extracts from Joseph Wyeth’s Supplement, appendices and biographical notes. Edited by S.Graveson. Historical introduction by W.H.Suntners. Illustrated edition. pp. ooc. + 372. Bibliography, portraits,’pJtês and facsimiles. 8°. London, 19o6.

    Card ID: 544

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    Author: ELLWOOD (Thomas)


    ELLWOOD (Thomas), of the Society of Friends. Sacred history: or, the Historical part of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testarnent gathered out from the other parts thereof and digested... into due method, with respect to order of time and place. With some observations.. .and a table, etc. pp. vi. ÷ iv. + 423 + (9). fol. London, 1709. Bound with Eliwood’s Sacred history...of the Old Tetainent, 1705.

    Card ID: 545

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    Author: ELLWOOD (Thomas)


    ELLWOOD (Thomas), Rector of Törver. The Landnama Book of Iceland, as it illustrates the dialect, place names, folk lore, & antiquities of Cumberland, Westmorland, and North Lancashire. (Yiith notes and additions by E. Magnósson.) [with a bibliography-.) pp. (8) + xvii. + 69. 8°. Kendal,. 1894.

    Card ID: 550