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ELLMAN Philip a:to john|k:to (john) (2)



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    Author: ELLMAN (Philip)


    ELLMAN (Philip). See HILL (Sir L.) and ELLMAN (P.) The Rheunatic diseases: a course of lectures arranged by the Medical Staff of the St. John Clinic and Institute of Physical Medicine. Edited by Sir L. Hill and 2. llman, etc. London, 1938.

    Card ID: 513

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    Author: HILL (Sir Leonard Erskine) and ELLMAN (Philip)


    - DEPOSiTORY HILL (Sir Leonard Erskine) and ELLMAN (Philip). The Rheumatic diseases: a course of lectures arranged by the Medical Staff of the St. John Clinic and Institute of PIysica1 Medicine. Edited by Sir L. Hill and P. Elimari. With a foreword by Sir A. MacNalty. pp. xii. รท 270. Plates, diagns and tables. 0 8 . London, 1938.

    Card ID: 500