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ELLIS Henry Haelock a:ill henry|k:ill (henry) (1)



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    Author: ELLIS (Henry Haelock)


    DEPOSITORy ELLIS (Henry Haelock). Havelock Ellis: in. appreciation. By E.Faure, B. ussei1.,. ILL. &ehcken H. W. Nevinson, H. Barbusse, C.Darrow, B.LLindsey, J.A.Hobson, 1. Tracy, EJey,. B.4alinowsky and thirty—four other important cont,ributors. With an un published.. 1ette by Thomas Hardy to IiaveJ.ock Ellis, and, a. .foraw&rd. by I. Goldberg & embellishments by. L..Ioreau.. Compiled, edited and printed by 3.Ishfli. pp. xlvi. + 299. rtrait1s.. pjat.axid fapsjmile. 8°. Ee,ke1ej’ Iieihts1 N.J., published privately, 1929. L. 88_of a,n ecIjtjon of 4O cpjes. Printed at the Oiiole Pres,.

    Card ID: 327