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ELLIS George a:l john|k:to (john) (13)



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    Author: ELLIS (George)


    ::! C’L ELLIS (George). A letter to Win. Wilberforee, Esq. [on the slave trade). By Philo.-Afrioanus [i.e. Geo. llis?) London, 1790. ee PHILO-AR I CAllUS.

    Card ID: 260

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    Author: ELLIS (George)


    ‘ DEPOsjTORy ELLIS (George), Author of “!oderfl practic1 oiney Modern praotioa1 carpentry for the use of vror1aon, bui1der, arohit,eets and. enginees... 7ith. ,illust,rations.. .Seoond. edit,ion revised. (With a glossary.] pp. xviii, + 398. C 8 . London, £lg2O.

    Card ID: 262

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    Author: ELLIS (George)


    - j,hci i” 4C, ELLIS (George), Fdi. Memoir of a map of the countries comprehended between the Black Sea and the Caspian. With an account of the Caucasian nations, and vocabularies of their languages. By G.llis.j pndo, 1788. See BLACK SEAS

    Card ID: 264

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    Author: ELLIS (George)


    ELLIS (George), F’.R.S. [For Poetry of the Anti_Jacobinlt written by G.Carining, G.Ellis, J.H.Frere and others:) At.JAcãIN. -- [The Anti—Jacobiri. or, Weekly Examiner.]

    Card ID: 265

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    Author: ELLIS (George)


    ECU ELLIS (George), F.R.. : Specimens of early English metrical romances, chiefly written during the early part of thefl fourteenth centurye To which is prefixed anfl. historical introduction,etc. 3 vols. tL.I.1 0, London, 1805. ——Second edition. 3 vol. Fvrn4cstt.m4.re4.i.. 8 . London, Ed4burgh [printed], 1811. ——A new edition, revised by J.0. Halliweil.sto (Bobn’s Antiquarian Library.) pp. viii. + 6oo.’. Frontispiece. 8. London, tE346.

    Card ID: 266

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    Author: ELLIS (George)


    XTJj ELLIS (George) P.ikS. Lec3 • See LEGRANO D’AUSSY (P. J. 3.) - — F&diaux or Tales, abridged from French manuscripts of. the xiith. end xiiith. centuries...With a preface and notes (and an appendix by G. Ellis). London, 1798—1800. —A new edition, correcteb. London, Weybridge printed, 1815.

    Card ID: 268

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    Author: ELLIS (George)


    3— YRi L ELLIS (George), Prompter rt l’heatre Royal, Drur7 Lane. HAXESPEARE (William). LKing Jobn.i William Charles Macready’s King John: a facsimile prompt—book. died by C.R. shattuck.’ CA facsimile of a copy ot Macready’s prompt—book of 142, nace by George iiis, &.J Urbana, 19o2.

    Card ID: 270

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    Author: ELLIS (Alexander George)


    ELLIS (Alexander George). Catalogue of Arabic books in the British Museum. London) I9O1—3. See ‘‘b1AND’. Deartrn9nts:oEt&te und Official Bc1ies.- lint ish Ljbary4.Rf.ereute. Division. DeQartrnent ‘of Orientai Pninted-Book& and inupcripts.

    Card ID: 156

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    Author: ELLIS (George James Welbore Agar)


    ELLIS (George James Welbore Agar), Baron DQver. The Ellis correspondence: letters written during the years 1686, 1687, 1688, and addressed to John Ellis, Esq., comprising mary particulars of the Revolution and anecdotes illustrative...of those times. Edited...with notes and a preface by the Hon. G.A.Ellis. (Account of the family of Ellis.) 2 vols. Portrait and folded enea1oica1 tabj. [I,.I.1 0 8 . London, 1829.

    Card ID: 273

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    Author: ELLIS (George James Ytelboro Agar)


    ‘DEPOSITORY ELLIS (George James Ytelboro Agar), 13a.ron Dover. Hist,orioál inquiries respeotin the of Edward Irdo, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Ohanoellor of Enc1and. pp. 182. tL. I.] 8. London, 1827.

    Card ID: 274

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    Author: ELLIS (George James Welbore Agar)


    DEPOSITORY ELLIS (George James Welbore Agar), Baron Dover. The True history of the State Prisoner, commonly called the Iron Mask [here identified with Count E.A.Mattioli], extracted from documents in the French archives. pp. viii, 352. London, 1826.

    Card ID: 275

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    Author: ELLIS (George James Welbore Agar—)


    vr7F 333 ELLIS (George James Welbore Agar—), Baron Doe. WAL?OLE (a.), Eaz1 of Orforci. [Letters.) Letters of Horace Sir II. Marmn,..Edited by Lord Dover. Second edition. 1833.

    Card ID: 276