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ELLIS George a:in william|k:it (william) (2)



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    Author: ELLIS (George)


    3— YRi L ELLIS (George), Prompter rt l’heatre Royal, Drur7 Lane. HAXESPEARE (William). LKing Jobn.i William Charles Macready’s King John: a facsimile prompt—book. died by C.R. shattuck.’ CA facsimile of a copy ot Macready’s prompt—book of 142, nace by George iiis, &.J Urbana, 19o2.

    Card ID: 270

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    Author: No Author available


    14CJ2. ELLIS (John), Under Secretary of State to William III. See ELLIS (George James WeJ.bore Agar), Baron Dover. The Ellis correspondence: letters written during the years 1686, 1687, 1688, and addressed to John Ellis, £sq., comprising many particulars of the Revolution and anecdptesJ.1lustratiVe... of thosetimes. Edited...with notes cind a preface by the Hon. G.A.Ellls. (Account of the family of Ellis.) London, 1829.

    Card ID: 373