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ELIOT George a:it john|k:to (john) (7)
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ELIOT, George
OT, George
COUCH, John Philip
CROSS, John Walter
No Author available
Author: ELIOT (George)
ELIOT (George), peud. [Le. !arian EVANS afterwards CROSSJ See BROWlT (John Crombie). The Ethics of George Eliot’s works... With an introduction by C.G.Ames. Philadelphia, 1885.
Card ID: 559
Author: OT (George)
YN E35a Oou ELiOT (George) pseud. [I.e. !“arian EVANS, afterwards CROSS.) See COUCE (John Philip). George Eliot in France: a French appraisat of George Eliot’s writings, 1850-1960. a°. chapel RIu [Assen printed), 1967.
Card ID: 566
Author: RUSKLN (John)
(N 7 RUSKLN (John). [Appendix.] BROWNELL (w.C.) Victorian prose masters: Thackeray, Carlyle, George Eliot, Matthew Arnold, Ruskin, etc. London, 1iXr printed], 1902.
Card ID: 111
Author: COUCH (John Philip)
YN E35a Cou COUCH (John Philip). George Eliot in France: a French appraisal of George Eliot’s vriting, 1850-1960. (University of North Carolina Studies in Coarative LIterature, 41.) pp. vii. + 197. Bibliography. 80. Chapel Hill [Assen printed.], 1967.
Card ID: 314
Author: CROSS (John Walter)
E35F 885 CROSS (John Walter). See ELIOT (George)1 pseud. [i.e. Marian EVANS afterwards CROSS.] [Letters.] George E1iot’ life as related in her letters and journals. Arranged and edited by her husband, J. W.Crosa. London, 1885.
Card ID: 365
Author: No Author available
YLc C. CLARKE (Isabel Constance). Six.portraits...Madauie deStael, Jane Austen, George Eliot, Mrs Oliphant, John Oliver HObbes, Katherine Mansfield, .2’ pp. 289. Portraits. 8°. Lodn, 1935.
Card ID: 441
CI{APEL HILL (NOJTH CAROLINA).. University of North Carolina. Studies in comparative literature. [Continued.] 3’ (TLj 39. PRICE (Lawrence 14.) The Reception of United Statee literature in Germany. 1966. iO. FRIEDERICH (Werner P.) Auctralia in blcoterri imaginative prose writings, 1600-1960: an anthology and a history of literature. 1967. 41. COUCH (John P.) George Eliot in Fzancea French appraisal of George Eliot’s writings 1850-1960. 1967. CSEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 63