
Search Term (count):

ELIAS Robert Henry a:at robert|k:in (robert) (2)



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    Author: ELIAS (Robert Henry)


    YTJ D5G ELIAS (Robert Henry). Se DIGGES (Thomas Atwood) Adventures of Alonso: containing sons striking anecdotes of tbe present Priioe Minister of Portugal. In facsimile. Anonymously printed in London in 1775, and now attributed to Thomaà Atwood Diges <17l1-1l> of tiarburtori .nor, ryland, fwith an essay:) The First American novel, by Robert H. Elias. Edited by Tbos J. MJion. New’ York, j9Z13

    Card ID: 443

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    - ‘2 (rrJ SMITH (Henry), Minister of’ St.Clement Danes. Three serixtons made by maister Henry Smith: 1. The Benefit of contentation, 2. The Affinitie of the faibhfull, 3. The Lost sheepe is found. [Sermon 3 is an attack on the pretence of Robert to be the prophet Elias and is preceded by: “The Declaration of Henrie Smith to the Lo.Indges how hee found and how he left Rob.Dickons,” and followed by: “Qiestions gathered out his ovine confession by Henrie Smith, which are yet unanswered”. ff. (27). 40• I.Robrts_for.’N.LinR: London, 1599. Bound with The Sermons nr milcter Henrie Smith, 15g9, Imperfect; wanting ti 1st leaf, G4.

    Card ID: 46