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ELDT Sir Thomas (1)



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    Author: ELDT (Sir Thomas)


    R71L Ely ELDT (Sir Thomas). Four political treatises: The doctrinal of princes [translated from Isocrates’ Oratlo ad Nicociem] (1533) Pascjuil the playne (l53., The bar.quette of sapiei’.ce 4153t>, The image of governance (compilea. of the actes and sentences. . . of the... uperour A exande Seuerus [by EiicoJ.pius), late translated out of Greke) <1514.1>...Facsimile - reproductions (from copies in the British Mtaei.mi) with an introduction ‘by L. Gottesmen. (Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints.) tv. xiv. + 1t26. 80. Gair..esviile, Fla., 1967.

    Card ID: 457