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EL Maurice el (maurice) (7)
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EL, Maurice
RLEIOK, Maurice
LOUIS, Maurice
No Author available
Author: EL (Maurice)
LGC ‘Iby Sam SAifliEL (Maurice). The Professor and the fossil. . .Some observations on Aniold J.ynbee’s ‘A Study of History’. (A Irzoi Book.) pp. vi. + 268 + ix. 8°. New York, 1956.
Card ID: 136
Author: RLEIOK (Maurice)
- r 1\aiL MAETIiRLEIOK (Maurice). HALE (EL E.) 2 DramatIsts of to—day.. .Maeterlinck, 23a• Nw York1 1911.
Card ID: 88
Author: LOUIS (Maurice)
DEPOSITORY LOUIS (Maurice). Prhistoire du Languedoc mêd1terranen et dii Roussflion. Preface de 4. le Comte EL. Begou8ri. pp. xii. + 204. 8°. uies, 1948.
Card ID: 261
Author: No Author available
13c — ‘I-#c’ !eL.’iu L - ARISTOTLE. [Historia Animaliurn. — Appendix.] MANQUAT (Maurice). Aristote naturaliste. Paris, 1932.
Card ID: 306
• - —•- [IBLE. Appendi x.John, sties f .— ?.sc el laneons. . MAURICE (F. 0.) The Epistles of St.. John: a series of lectures on Christian ethics. London, 1881.
Card ID: 199
i)ec - j• j JOSD1J (Ben). [Appendix..). See CJSTEL4IN (Maurice). Ben Jonson± l’hornrne eL 1’cuvre, V572—1637. Paris and London, 1907.
Card ID: 311
Author: AIONSO (Dmaso)
AIONSO (Dmaso). Bjbljoteca romnica hisp&nica...II. ]studios y ensayos. [continued.] 228. PAUK (edgar). Miguel Delibes: de8arroflo de un escritor, 194?..19?Z.. 1975. 229. NOUiO (Maurice). 3istenitica del verbo espaiol: >L_ aspectos, modos, tiempos. 2 vols. 1975. 230. GOI’t—HARTINEZ (Jose Luis). Arico CastEyC0.f1 TC1u& orig&n de los espalioles: hiatoria de una polrnica. 1975. 231. GARCIA SARRIA (Francisco). Clarin; o, la Berejia aniorosa. 1975 c-i1. 232. SAN1OS-ECUDER0 (Ceferino). Simbolos y Dios en el zltiino Juan Ramôn Jimnez: el influjo oriental en Dios deseado y 1975. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 329