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EK Karl-Gustav ek (karl-gustav) (3)
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EK, Karl-Gustav
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Author: EK (Karl-Gustav)
YAZJ Ek EK (Karl-Gustav). The DeveloIment of OE and o in south-eastern Middle English. [Thesis: University of Lund..] (Lwd Studies in English, ii2.) pp. 133. Lund., 1972.
Card ID: 156
YAZJ EK (Karl-Gustav). The Development of CE (i—mutated A) before nsa1& and CE £ in south—eastern Niddle Engliah. (Acta Universitatis Lundensis. Soctio I. Theo— logica Juridica Humaniora, 22.) pp. 63. Bibi., niaps and tab1e. I,und, 1975.
Card ID: 155
Author: No Author available
LUND. Limds Universitet. Lund studies in ng1ish. [Continued.J X/kM 3. HARItil (Giovanni ]3attista), Poet. Marino and Crashaw: Sospetto d’3erode . [With the text of Marino’s poem and Crashaw’s tran8latiOfl.) A commentary by C.Schaar. 1971. 40. B2tCKIIAIN (Sven). This singular tale: a stud’ of ‘The Vicar of Wakefield’ and its literary G67’J background. 1971. 4i. PAHLSSQN (Christer). The Northuinbrian burr: a sooiolinguistic study. [Thesis: University of Lund.] 1972. 42. EK (Karl—Gustav). The Develoment of OE and o in south-eastern Middle English. Thpis: University” of Lund.] 1972. - [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 308