
Search Term (count):

EIL Robert Traili Spence a:s william john|k:it (william) (1)



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    Author: EIL (Robert Traili Spence)


    4sic Library C2 - c7 Reference on]y LO7EIL (Robert Traili Spence). [Sound Recordings.) See HAVIAIiAS (Stratis). [Sound Recordings. I The Poet’s voice: poets reedig aloud and conznenting upon their works. I’.S. Eliot, John Berrynn, Ezra Pound, Robert Lvell, Marianne Moore, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, Theodore Roethke, W.1I. Auden, Randall Jarreil, William Cerlos Williams, Sylvia Plath, Robert Prost, Selected and edited by Stratis Haviaras. Cassette 6. Caithridge, I’ss.: Harvard University Press.

    Card ID: 170