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EICKSTEDT Egon von (2)



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    Author: EICKSTEDT (Egon von)


    DEPOSiTORy EICKSTEDT (Egon von), Baron. Die Forschung am Menschen, etc. 3 vo].s • Bibliographical references, portraits, illustrations, maps, charts and tables. 8°. Stuttgart, 1963. The pagination is continuous throughtut, Parts 1 and 2 bear the dates l9O and 19t on their titlepages, but were issued in 1963. Part 3 was also issued as a separate publication under the title ‘tirsprung urid itfa1tung der Seele’. 1. Geschichte mid Methoden der Anthropologic. 2, Physiologische und morphologische Anthropologie. 3. Psychologische und philosophische Anthropologie.

    Card ID: 244

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    Author: EICKSTEDT (Egon von)


    DPOSJTCRY EICKSTEDT (Egon von), Baron. Rasscndynanik von Ostasien: China un Japan, Tai und Krner von der Urzeit bis heute. [With a bibliography.] pp. xii. + 6L8. Plates, illuatratione, maps, diagrams and tables. 8°. Berlin, l9L..

    Card ID: 245