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EDWARDS Henry Sutherland a:p ‘1 |k:p (will) (7)
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EDWARDS, Henry Sutherland
HEW, Augustus and EDWARDS, Henry Sutherland
ROUGR, Robert Barnabas and EDWARDS, Henry- Sutherland
Author: EDWARDS (Henry Sutherland)
(P)ic3o EDWARDS (Henry Sutherland). The Lyrical drama: essays on subjects, composers & executants of modern. opera. 2 vols. in 1. 0 8 . London, 1881.
Card ID: 335
1)L EDWARDS (Henry Sutherland). The Prima donna, her history and surroundings from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. 2 vols. 8°. London, i888.
Card ID: 338
EDWARDS (Henry Sutherland). Sir William White, G.C.B, K.C.M.G., fçr six years Ambassador at Constantinople: his life and correspondence. pp. vii. + 284. Portrait and plate. 8. London, 1902.
Card ID: 340
MaIcoI Morley 2’ Golloction EDWARDS (Henry Sutherland). lACY (Thomas Hailea). Lacy’s (Frenchis) acting edition, 361, Mephistopheles; or, an Ambassador from beloi... by R.Brough and S.Sdwsrds [1856].
Card ID: 342
- EDWARDS (Henry Sutherland), âc VERDEREVSKY (Evg eny A.) Captivity of two Russian princesses in the Caucasus, including a seven residence in Shamil’s seraglio. Communicated by themselves and translated from the original Russian by FI.S.Edwards. London, 1857.
Card ID: 344
Author: HEW (Augustus) and EDWARDS (Henry Sutherland)
Malcolm Morley 2 Collection MA!HEW (Augustus) and EDWARDS (Henry Sutherland). The Goose with the golden eggs: a farce in one act, n. d. tAG! (Thouas Hailes). Lacyts (French’s) acting edition, 654.
Card ID: 177
Author: ROUGR (Robert Barnabas) and EDWARDS (Henry- Sutherland)
MaIcoJrj Marky 2 coIIectin1 2 ]3ROUGR (Robert Barnabas) and EDWARDS (Henry- Sutherland). Mephistopheles; or, an Ambassador from bolow: an extravaganza in one act. [1856]. See LACY (Thcaas Railes). Lacy’s (French’s) acting edition, 361.
Card ID: 145