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EDWARDS George a:be george|k:0208 (6)



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    Author: EDWARDS (George)


    EDWARDS (George), F.R,S. and F.S.A. A Catalogue of the birds, beasts, fishes, insects, plants, &c. contained in Ed.waMa’s Natural history...with their Itin names by Sir C. Lirmwus. london, 1776. See infra A Natural history of unconnon birds, oto. Veil 1.

    Card ID: 315

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    Author: EDWARDS (George)


    EDWARDS (George), P.R.S. w.d F.SA. ssays upon natural history, and other ndsoe11anecs subjocts...To which is added, a cat,a1ocie, [En. and Fr.] in generioai order, of the biris, beas...&o., contained in Mr. dvrards’ natural history. p. viii. + 2,1. Portrait. [T.. I.] 8. London, 1770..

    Card ID: 316

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    Author: EDWARDS (George)


    EDWARDS (George), F.R.S. and. F.S.A. A Natural history of uncommon birds, and of soio other rare and undoscribod anirnalä...To which is added a...general idea of drawing and painting in water colours, with instruotions for etching on copper with aqua fortis, likewise some thoughts on the passage of birds, etc. (Histoire naturelle des oiseaux peu commune,,, Traciuit...par V. D. do la S[ocit4J R[oyale]. Some memoirs of the life and. works of G. Edwards. A Catalogue of the birds, beasts, fishes, insect plants, &c. contained in Edwards’s !atural histoz’y...with their Latin names by Sir C. Linnaous.) 4 vole. [English and French.] [L.I.) 4. London, 1743-76. [See next card.

    Card ID: 318

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    Author: EDWARDS (Alfred George)


    EDWARDS (Alfred George) Bishop of St. Aaph. Speeoh in the House of Lords on the Welsh Church Bill...With an appendix on the Government, scheme .Vor commutation. pp. 36. 8°. London, [Guildford printed), 1913.

    Card ID: 200

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    Author: EDWARDS (James George)


    PlTQ’ EDWARDS (James George). Progress of religious thought in the XVIII and XIX centuries. pp. (8) + 332. 8°. ainxj: printed for private circulation, l9OLi..

    Card ID: 360

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    Author: HERING (George Edwards)


    HERING (George Edwards). See PAGET (J.), . Hungary and ‘rsnsy ivania, with renark s on their condition.. .With. • .i11ut,re.tion... by Mr. Mering. A new edition. London, l8Q.

    Card ID: 228